I had to snap this photo of Rexy from a distance after yelling, "Look! Mickey Mouse!" Cameras aren't really his thing.

Of course, Harrison would have posed for pictures all night (although I couldn't coax a ninja stance out of him).

And the June Bug? She cried until someone opened the door and handed her candy. After that she was all business. She rode in the wagon, desperately trying to break into every single piece of candy she got between doorbells.

Okay, I was too lazy to strap myself into my boustiea from the night before (very cool), so here's the watered down version of my Kat costume, called "keep warm".

And I'm so sorry about this picture, it's the only group shot I've got and it's totally blurry (talk about a bummer). But it's proof that yes, my man wore leather and a Walmart wig and went door to door as Nikki Sixx. With a stash. I can't help it, I totally dig the stash. Merry Christmas everyone!
You look hot!! How did you get your arms sleeved?
And your kids are adorable. Love June Bug!
Love the costumes. The Kat wig looks like tons of fun.
That is too hilarious!!! Great costumes!
Love it Anne, too fun. Your kids will either love or hate the fact that you guys dress up. Bryce wants me to, maybe I should humor him next year. Any suggestions?
Did Rexy take the picture?! Junie looks JUST like you. I thought Rex did, then when I saw her picture…it looks so much like you I want to spank her with a hairbrush.
Love the outfits, do you have a picture from when you were all done up!?
Aawww they’re gorgeous!!!!
And you too!
Not to mention the husband!
EEEEK you’re all perfect 😉
Of course, you’re smokin’, Annie. Happy Halloween! Your kids are darling!
Love it all! Just impressed you AND your hubby are all dressed up.
Love, love, love the costumes! That party sounded like a blast and a huge success! You can come do our wards parties at anytime …. *evil grin* Can’t wait to hear more about the Christmas party. Great job in magnifying your calling. Good luck.
Love the tattoos!
How did you talk him into it??? Does he like this kind of thing? Cause my husband isn’t too keen on it. He will dress up for me occasionally if it is required by the party planner. Oh wait, I’m the Ward Activities Director. I didn’t require it!
Where did you guys get the tatoos?