December what?

It’s one in the afternoon and this is the first time my cheeks have hit the seat all day. Holy crap where has the time gone?

I don’t know about you, but my list of to-do’s is still two feet long and I’ve checked it seven times. I have a kitty and a cape to make, two loads of must-have laundry left, not a gift is wrapped and we still have to pack. That’s right, I said pack. Because we’re taking Christmas to Washington.

And June is shredding all the Christmas paper as we speak.

I feel like the season has snuck up behind me and I’ve missed all the fun. Sure, there’s been snow and constant carols, but my shopping was done by Thanksgiving and the past few weeks I’ve been suffocating under the load of our ward Christmas party (which is like putting together a wedding reception, by the way).

And to top it off, I realized today that I haven’t made a single Christmas treat this year. I stepped on the scale this morning and it was right where it was supposed to be. I was actually depressed.

I need truffles and chocolate covered bacon. I want my SIL’s homemade caramels and my mother’s fudge by the pound. My kitchen is clean, and due to time constraints, it’s probably going to stay that way.

My only consolation has been the half pound of homemade almond roca Tricia dropped off and the plate of goodies from my visiting teachers. But it’s not the same, my kitchen hasn’t pulled it’s weight this year.

For the record, if you live in the greater northern Utah area and have piles of unwanted nut-free treats hanging around, consider me a possible dumping ground.


  1. If I could squeeze treats through a comment thread, I would. Hopefully there will be plenty of calories waiting for you in WA. Take a deep breath, snuggle your little ones and read Christmas stories, and have a GREAT Christmas.

  2. Well, you’re better than me. I am not done shopping yet (just three people left…) but I am SO BEHIND. I spent all morning driving around looking for a LONG-SLEEVED gray shirt for the baby so he’d match his brothers’ Christmas PJs. I can’t sew snowmen on just ANY baby shirt. It HAS TO BE GRAY.

    So there ya go. Tomorrow is my cleaning day. Sigh.

    I hope you get it all done.

  3. I feel like the lone pagan, non-treat-giving person in this neighborhood. I gave cards. That’s it. Yikes. The guilt, the guilt. Have a beautiful trip – and be safe!


  4. I hope you get all that you need to do accomplished. May you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season. Safe travels!

  5. If I were on the same continent I would give you all my nutless treats. You did get a lot done by sending out your fabulous Christmas cards. Oh my goodness, You look beautiful and your shoes and legs are hot! Shwee Shwoo hot mamma!

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  6. I’m not mature enough to be happy for you that your scale is right where it should be. I’m ready to pack my bags and head for BL camp!

    Merry Christmas! Have a safe trip and a wonderful time!

  7. I’m sorry for the Christmas chaos of late. I hope that the rest of your Christmas goes super well, you get lots of treats, and the scale doesn’t change anyway!!

  8. Have a Merry Christmas. And savor the fact that your scale hasn’t moved…really savor savor savor!

  9. I hear you on this one. Until a few days ago I didn’t feel like I was even on the same planet as all the other jolly festive folk celebrating this season. But the scales have tipped since I bought a pound of BYU Bookstore peanut butter chocolate fudge today. It’s burning a hole through my suitcase right now. Want some?

  10. I’ve gotta say, I love the way that you self depricate with the whole “kitchen not pulling its weight” thing right after showing us all of your awesome craftiness in your last blog. Clearly, your craft room has been pulling its weight. I know how much you love that entreneur thing, so have you considered selling those awesome creations? Your stick horses are especially fantastic, BTW!