Kind of like Marie Osmond, only better.

Because there’s two of them.

So last Saturday I spent the afternoon at the Women’s Expo with my dearest friend Elisa, the great brain behind the Casual Blogger Conference and Mormon Mommy Blogs, plugging all things blog worthy to every passing female that stopped to steal candy from us. (Seriously, there were some major sticky fingers out there.)

After getting myself comfortable, I turned to the table of bloggers next to us. Once I said hi and took a good look, I was shocked to find myself seated next to none other than Marie Osmond, minus a decade or two.

So I started chatting with her in my usual let-me-give-you-way-too-much-information-about-myself kind of way, and suddenly I had to do a double take because, get this,  there’s freaking two of them.

That’s right, Marie-Osmond-Only-Better: Twins.

These girls are amazing. Not only are they gorgeous, but they’re fun and talented in a way I can’t personally fathom. They’re the creators of The DIY Dish, one of the best blog crafting how-to site’s I’ve found, and unlike Marie, their creative ability actually stretches beyond doll manufacturing (although I don’t doubt they could do that as well).

And not only do they regularly come up with how-to tutorials, but they actually film a demonstration every week and post it on their blog. For idiots like me who need to see it in action to understand it, this is ideal.

I know, I just met twin, Marie Osmond, crafting movie star geniuses.

So pop on over there, meet my new creative let’s-do-lunch twin girlfriends, and get your how-to fix for the day.


  1. They really were adorable. And so, so, so genuine and kind. And one of them, my favorite, of course, had read my blog, so I loved her more.

  2. Lol! That’s cool 🙂

  3. Aren’t Kim and Kris wonderful? So genuine, so kind. I’ve known them since I was ten. Eleven. Twelve? Anyway, I was little. And awkward. And gangly-looking. And they made me feel like the most important and beautiful person in the room. I love them – and their creative brains and their willingness to share. I always wanted to be like them. How could anyone not want to after meeting them??

  4. Well well well… they were all kinds of awesome yes… and I actually thought they were related to the Osmonds…because of YOU! LOL… that’s funny.

  5. WHAT!? Crazy small world we share…I went to highschool with Kim and Kris! I’m dying. They are amazing women; I love them!

  6. WOW –marie osmand in duplicate.
    I went to the Donny and Marie show in Vegas. Was fun. Remember, I almost touched Donny. I know he wanted me.

    cool, cute girls. But it takes alot more then cute twins to get me to MAKE things.
    I BUY things. I let OTHERS do the making.

    you hang with cool ladies Annie. I so wanted to be at the GNO when I was in Utah and you were all getting together. BUT, families first, and so…………I missed out.

  7. Frick! They totally are her clones!

  8. It was totally awesome to sit next to Kris and Kim. I had way more fun with them than I woulda had with Marie!
    Can’t wait to see you again at CBC, you sure cracked me up!

  9. They made that whole long weekend worthwhile. That and my pals hanging with me. Oh and the Barbie doll person we saw. That too.