Where is my stuff?!

I need my things.

We’ve been pushing around the same 12 suitcases since the first week of June and I frequently want to throw them all on the compost heap (Germans are big on recycling).

I have managed to keep up with the laundry (since there’s nothing else to do) but every time I bring up a basket of clean clothes I’m faced, once again, with the realization that THERE IS NO PLACE TO PUT THEM. I used to put them back in the suitcases, but now  simply pull a June–I dump the basket out in the middle of the bedroom and kick the clothes around a little so we can “see them better”.

But at the same time that I dream and watch and wait with baited breath for that lovely moving truck to pull up in front of my house, I tremble and whimper at the thought of them leaving me here, alone, with all that crap to unpack.

I’m bored and busy and don’t seem to accomplish much of anything worth value (with the exception of some homemade applesauce from the eternal apple droppings in the back yard. It was fun for the first two buckets of apples but now I’m feeling a little panicked). There is nothing to do to here and yet I never sit down.

This might be due to the fact that sitting on the couch is kind of like sitting on a sand dune, except here your butt sticks to the plastic. It’s lovely. I find my day is filled with things like sweeping the eternal tile floors and putting away the same basket of toys that the kids routinely dump out and reject.

I don’t know that I’m going to be any happier when it all gets here, but hopefully I’ll at least have a place to sit my weary behind and make a phone call.




  1. Oh, Annie, I feel your pain! In fact, I’m pretty sure we’re living parallel lives, except I have no kiddos (and no basket to put my laundry in…I use my carry on suitcase). If only my husband was sent to Germany instead of Guinea, we could wallow in our misery together. I hope you get your stuff soon!

  2. Man, oh man, you are totally reminding me of my childhood. When we moved to Brazil for the State Dept we didn’t get our things for a while. For me it was an adventure — now I know what my mom was going through!

  3. Isn’t there an Ikea on every corner? I miss you. 🙁

  4. Renate Buttars says:

    Sweet Annie so glod that you are almost settled. By the looks of it you are fitting right in with all the German Frau’s I know you will enjoye your new temp. place in Germany all I can say explore,explore……

  5. good question…WHERE IS your stuff.
    I found your comment of “nothing to do and yet are very busy” interesting, as that is exactly how I felt around her the past 2 years. Sheeesh, hard to believe it has been 2 years.
    I take a long to to “climatize” to new surroundings. Having young kids around though I think helps with that as it helps you meet new people, and keeps you more “involved in the act of living”
    does that make ANY sense
    Your stuff will be here soon enough
    You’ll be settled………..and have all these new adventures to tell us about. Can’t Wait.

  6. Make your life more simple take the mortgage loans and everything you need.