Crap. I haven’t got my face fixed yet.

Okay, so my technologically advanced girlfriend’s husband, Mike, insisted that I fix my blog site so it has “feed”. To be honest, I have no idea what people actually to do with “feed”, other than throw it out to cattle in the winter, but that is the rhyme behind my new front page. (Note the little “feed” sticker up there to your left? That’s the one.)

See, I’m not really fru fru-ey on the blogging front. In real life, I would happily wear sequins and heels every single day just to drive car pool, but my blog is my bling-free environment. Not because I’m really all that interested in simplifying my life, but because virtual bling is way over my head. Exhibit A: the missing side bar. I don’t even have my column link figured out yet (how did I do that last time? Oh. Right. Alison Wonderland did it for me while I was napping. Good, good blog friend.)

So if you can all bear with me, I will shortly get my act together and try to put up something colorful and enlightening up to taunt and tease you. In the meantime, I’ll try to pepper my entries with plenty of spelling errors and almost-bad words like “crap” just to keep you coming back for more.

I hope you’re feeding into this, it’s the best I can do.

ps – And the photo at the top? Now that’s my eye.