Here is a list with links to a few of my published works from the past decade.
Guest Blog Postings…
Scary Mommy, How to Raise Your Kid on 6 Hours of TV a Day
FamilyFocusBlog, 5 Instant Time-outs for Mom
Mamalode, Words that Hurt: When Your Kid Gets Bullied
Newspaper “Regarding Annie” columns…
The Men and Women who Fight for America, 2013
Summer School Dreams, August 2012
Credit Cards are Stupid, April 2012
Getting Along in Marriage, January 2011
Wardrobe Malfunctions, January 2011
Torched Turkeys, November 2010
Sample Newspaper Freelance Articles, online edition:
Bishop St. Nicholas Buried in Bari, Italy, Kaiserslautern American
Have You Been Naughty or Nice? Kaiserslautern American
The Perfect Gift, Kaiserslautern American
Getting Through the Lonely Holidays, Kaiserslautern American
Sample Newspaper Travel Articles:
Travel Tips with Younger Kids, Kaiserslautern American
Hassle Free Day Trips, Kaiserslautern American
Buying a House in Germany? Kaiserslautern American
A Trip to the German Flea Market, The Standard Examiner
Church Magazine Articles, Print tear sheets available:
The Heavy Backpack, The Friend Children’s Magazine
Mr. Lukin’s Turkeys, The Friend Children’s Magazine
Too Busy to Care, The New Era Magazine
In Shepherd’s Field, The Ensign Magazine
Sample of Other Online Articles…
September Pre-solutions pg. 25, The Casual Blogger Magazine