Why should pregnant women never be allowed on committees?

Because they do absolutely. Nothing.

So I’ve recently joined forces with a group of women who feel guilty for all the hours wasted perusing blogs on the web. In order to make ourselves feel like contributing members of the physical world (versus our virtual dish-free, no laundry allowed zone we like to roll around in), we’ve put together a little group and given ourselves a totally hip name. We’re Service Soapbox and we’re out to save the world, one diaper at a time.

In an attempt to be all cool and helpful, I volunteered my gestating self to help out with the upcoming event on April 24th, a baby shower for the March of Dimes Teddy Bear Den Program. Actually, I think I was the one who insisted we do this particular event, and therefore felt obliged to sweat a little, thus offering my services.

Let’s just make one thing clear. Apparently, I’m incapable right now of sweating over anything other than the fact that come August, my oven and coordinating bun are going to be on overload. Oh gosh, there go my pits. Just the word August and I’m all glowy in all the wrong areas.

So, after a number of weeks and a number of emails from highly motivated, amazing blog committee members, I have had to very non-gracefully tell the world that I suck. In fact, if I actually remember to show up for this thing I’m going to be really lucky.

I’m currently looking for people willing to email and remind me that I have an event to attend next month. A ride down there would be great as well. (Actually, it’s going to be at Noah’s and I’ve been dying to get my little self in there for the past year, so I really don’t want to miss it. Or the chance to serve…whatever.)

So sign up and check out this amazing upcoming event. Bring yourself and something to help the babies. Read all about it right here. We want you and your guilt, so come join the Service Soapbox and help us make a little difference.


  1. I blogged about this today, as well, though in a less-clever, more boring way. In fact, I just copied and pasted info from the site. Hope the copyright police don’t track me down. I think you’ve put in enough sweat by coming up with the idea. Here. Have some of my Degree for Women.

  2. Yay! I’m going to be there barring extreme illness or I can’t make a flight!

    I get the whole pregnancy thing, in fact I bet all of us do!

    As long as your there, that’s most important!

  3. Thanks for posting about it. I just wrote myself a post-it to email you, which I will now place with the other five hundred post-it notes reminding me about OTHER things. I’m sure that will work out, right?

    totally love you, btw

  4. Hey, missed seeing you at Kristina’s blogger thingie!

    • annie valentine says:

      BECAUSE NO ONE EMAILED AND REMINDED ME. Kidnapping would also be good. I won’t struggle much.

  5. You gals are the best! Thanks a million for doing this for the March of Dimes! If I weren’t in New York, I’d drive you myself!