Daddy’s Home

Jason flew in last night for a weekend of time with the kids and some much needed QNT. I left the babies snug in their beds, my girlfriend with the remote, and went to fetch him from the airport. 

In case you’re wondering, yes I spent a multitude of brain power this week once again obsessing over the perfect outfit. I went with the crowd favorite, tight jeans, tight T-shirt and heels. Unfortunately, fate has it in for me. It was freezing last night so I had to hamper my clothing with a coat. Totally unsexy.

The last time he breezed into town our Alone Time was callously interrupted by sick unsleeping children. Last time I ended up taking the baby with me to the airport and waited in the park and watch for his delayed plane. I turned my phone to vibrate so that his call wouldn’t wake the baby, then promptly fell asleep. That’s right, dressed to impress or not, the middle of the night is still the middle of the night. He called my phone for 20 minutes before I figured out the buzzing wasn’t part of my dream. What a reunion. 

This time I got to the airport early, phone turned to LOUD, and decided to go inside and wait. But I couldn’t remember which terminal he was arriving in. I parked in the middle and took my chances with Terminal Uno. 

Let me tell you, if you haven’t taken the time to sit at the passenger funnel of the airport and watch reunions, you haven’t lived. People are so transparent. I saw two other women dressed to the nine’s in heels, waiting for their lovers. I know this is true of one of them because of the atomic cloud of mylar balloons she was carrying that said things like, “Kissy kissy!” and “I Love You Forever”. Just for the record, He would KILL me if I ever showed up in public with that kind of thing. 

Then there were the men with flowers. All you had to do was follow the cologne trails around to see who was lonesome and who wasn’t. And I realized the airport is no place for propriety or discretion. I think I’m comfortable with PDA in general, but straddling your man in public for a seven-minute make-out? Even I wouldn’t attempt the whole leg wrapping, heiny grabbing personal affection that I saw going on. And these people were old. I was planning a more appropriate kiss with the whole heel lift kind of reunion, you know?

And so I waited. And waited and waited and waited. My heels were killers to walk in but I finally gave up and scooted over to the monitor for a status check. Late. 

When I knew his plane had arrived and I had exhausted every passenger Airport Terminal 1 had to offer, my phone finally rang. Of all the luck, he was outside at the curb, on the other end of the airport with his bag. Fun. Trudging to the other end of the airport in the middle of the night in my cutest albiet most uncomfortable heels was not my vision of a perfect reunion. 

But I have to tell you, when I spotted him walking toward me clear at the other end, my heart about broke into a thousand love songs and I sprinted, sprinted I say, into those super hot arms. 

He’s here, he’s home, it’s fleeting, and I never want to send him back. Mondays are my new most hated day of the week, but I’m not thinking about that. I’ve got him and now I’m going upstairs (where he’s snuggling with our children watching Curious George) to kiss his face.


  1. YAY! I’m so happy for you. That brought a little tear to the corner of my eye.

    My favorite favorite favorite line ever, “my heart about broke into a thousand love songs” I so know that feeling.

    And how funny he was out at the curb on the other side of the airport.

    HAPPY REUNION! We don’t want to hear from you until MONDAY now. Go spend every second kissing his super hot face.

  2. Straddling? Really? That is so tacky.

    Glad Jason’s home, and I probably won’t be hearing from you this weekend, but you’re excused.

    Tell Jason hi, and I’ll be expecting a phone cal on Monday:(

  3. Awww- so sweet that you guys get to miss each other so that you can have those reunions.

  4. LOL. I now have this image of a geriatric couple doing some serious making out at the airport. That’s great.

    I kind of like the idea of the leg lift/kiss. Maybe I’ll try it sometime.

  5. You almost make me jealous. I know having him gone is very very unfun but come on, the airport reunion sounds awesome.

  6. kissy, kissy? LOL

  7. ENJOY!!!!!

  8. Have a wonderful weekend you deserve it. And yes isnt the airport a lovely place to sit and people watch?

  9. So I was really behind on your posts (I had to read until the pediatrician…weiner…etc) story. That was funny by the way! Loved your birthday blog, too and I feel a sense of sadness that I missed it, I know, a little strange, since we haven’t seen each other in over 10 years. But, I did love your stories about getting Jason from the airport and being a girl. The girlie one gives me a jumpstart at some motivation for one and I remember you posting something similar a while back when you were in TintleTown. It did the same thing to me before. So, the next time I pick up Kev from the airport, I’ll be sure and look as hot as possible and try to remember not to straddle him. 🙂 hahaha. Seriously, that’s gross to watch old people do that, especially in real life.

  10. Now I have a weird desire to go to the airport and people watch:)

  11. Absence makes the heart grow fonder like that song says 🙂 I’m so glad you get to be reunited even just for a short while with your honey. I love that you choose to be a hottie for him 🙂 His first glimpse of you after returning from being away should make him go “I know I married a babe, but wooo! Smokin’!!!! ” 🙂

  12. Here comes my little violin…pluck, pluck…. and my harp….plink, plink…and now, the piano crescendo …ivories tickling….and the orchestra joins in …. lots more noise ….and the kiss… crashing cymbals…..

    Aaaaaaah. So sweet…..and so worth the wait.

    (Life is a lot more fun with a soundtrack, don’t you think?)

  13. Yay!! I hope you’ve really enjoyed your weekend! Great reunion story.