Nine years ago today I sealed the deal with the man of my dreams. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
Nine years of best-dates-ever. I remember coming home from my first date with Jason and telling my sister Jenny that it was, hands down, the best date I’d ever been on. Nine years of Friday night dating make that first date look dull. He’s such a babe.
Nine years of forgiveness. There are a lot of ways to be married and a lot of ways to communicate. Sometimes I communicate with fits, yelling, brattiness and hanging-up-the-phone. For some reason, this man just keeps loving me to pieces and forgives my sorry self over and over and over.
Nine years of decision making. Jason and I rarely if ever disagree on how or when to do something. Whether it’s buying a house or naming a kid, our taste is practically identical. We have never argued over paint chips (including my burnt orange hallway and dark blue bedroom in MD), furniture, or vehicles (motorcycles excluded). How lucky is that?
Nine years of conversation. If you know me at all, you know that I have big plans. Plans for everything. For nine years now my man has encouraged, listened, suggested and supported all my scheming and dreaming and planning. He never puts me down or tells me I can’t, even when he thinks/knows I’m going to bomb.
Nine years of flirting. What would marriage be if all the excitement was gone? Nine years later, we still flirt with each other every single day.
I’m mad about him, can’t keep my eyes, hands and heart away from him. He has me at every single hello, and part of me cries with every single farewell. This kind of loving is what life is all about.
This morning I went to the temple by myself. I can’t decide which would be worse: to die and get to Heaven without him, or be the one left behind here on Earth. I do know one thing, never has my eternal marriage meant more to me than it did today. He’s mine forever. You can’t mess with forever.
I love you Jason. As much as anyone has ever loved anything, I love you plus one. Happy anniversary.
AAaaahhhhhhhh. *sigh*
OK, now THAT’S how you do an anniversary post. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!
Okay, I’m sniffling like mad here. Happy Anniversary!
Just another of your posts I’ll probably plagerize, ha, ha. . .you have such a nice way with words. . .can’t keep my eyes, hands, heart away from him. . is that what you said. . .Sweet
You are so sweet – Happy Anniversary to both of you:)
Love ya,
You are soooo syrup-y! Your adoration is almost too much to swallow —
I can only give you a bad time because I’ve see your relationship first hand and say “AMEN!” to it all. I know the two of you are ridiculously in love with each other — congratulations on making it this far. Here’s to eternity for you two — and your little ones.
Someday you should spend your anniversary in China. October 1st is their National Day, it’s kinda like our Independence Day.
There’d be fireworks and everything.
Happy anniversary! So sweet. I love happily ever afters.
Look at how cutesy you are! Congrats!
Happy anniversary!
This was one of my favorite posts of yours, you really do have a gift. 🙂
Happy Anny Annie! Makes me want to go get my flirt on with husband now 🙂
OH Annie! You have such a gift with words! You could not have described love more perfectly. I am completely MELTING! Missed you last weekend! Don’t fret, we’ll do it again.
Wish I could plagiarize that one, but I can’t. And not because I don’t dare.
That bums me out.
That is a great post! Your husband is a lucky guy:)
Thanks. I am glad someone thinks of me that highly. I will say…..I love you more, I just will never be able to express it as eloquintly as you do.
OKay, I hate to be the one to break the theme of love & emotion… but did anyone besides me notice how FUNNY some of the “possible related” links are? At the bottom of this beautiful anniversary tribute there is a link for “Woman Locked In Cabin For Nine Years”. So, I clicked on it and it’s about a lady in Stockholm with multiple sclerosis that was being held captive. Wow. Someone else made it nine years! LOL I’m sorry, I’m laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes!
Congratulations on nine years! It is always great to hear a happy marriage story.
Remember that horrible Christmas we had here a few years ago? Remember how everyone was fighting about dumb things, and eventually everyone was fighting just to fight. Then around 4 p.m. everyone decided fighting was not worth unopened presents so we finally all made up and had a grand time exchanging gifts.
I remember you saying to Jason, “Jason! I hope you go to [insert dark, dreary, firey place here]. And I don’t care what girl ends up with you right now because I don’t want you!” Then you looked at me and said, “I’m sorry Hayley, I just really don’t like him right now.” This was all while Jason had a little smirk on his face (And, I think he said something like, “Really, Annie? Thanks, finally you give me permission!”) and I was trying really hard not to do the same because we ALL knew you would be devistated, to say the least, if you woke up the next morning and he was no longer yours.
Thanks for loving my brother so much and Happy belated Anniversary.