A word about sunscreen

Here is the short list of my life without kids.


The Beach.

My Book.

The Umbrella Boy.

The Sound of the Waves.

The End.

Dead serious. I kind of got over my guilt in record speed yesterday, sitting in my beach chair soaking up the serenity and sun (oh, stop cursing like that). I feel like a cell phone running on its last bar that someone finally took pity on and plugged in.

One thing about sunscreen. If you ever decide to get rebellious and wear a bikini while you’re on vacation, don’t think you’ll get away without some serious universal retribution. I’m not saying this happened to me, just saying it could happen to someone stuck in Florida for an entire week with a beachful of strangers. When applying sunscreen to your florescent abdominal area, DO NOT FORGET YOUR BELLY BUTTON. If you do, you’ll end up with a burning naval that looks somewhat like a target on your otherwise pinkened tummy.

Just saying.


  1. hahahaha! Sorry… sunburns hurt. I’ll remember that tad bit of advice IF I ever get rebellious!

  2. Rebellious! That is too funny!

  3. The fact that you CAN wear a bikini makes me hate you.

  4. I wouldn’t say “rebellious” maybe “SCANDALOUS” is a better word for it. Today I’m whipping up my one-piece and heading for the pool with my head held high, knowing that my modesty will protect my belly button. Who needs sun-screen when I have modesty?

  5. actually, I’m trying not to break the “thou shalt not covet” commandment.

  6. A sunburned belly button never occurred to me!

  7. That’s hilarious.! I want to see a picture! (Plus, you need to post a picture of your hotness in a bikkini, right?!)

  8. Even if I wanted to be “rebellious” in that way, I wouldn’t. Not after my three kids, and not if I don’t want to share my stretch marks and hanging skin. Oh so hot! Sorry about your belly button. If it makes you feel any better, the inside of my belly button wouldn’t even be ABLE to burn, hence that hanging skin thing… (too much!? I feel it was too much…)

  9. Ahh sweet rebellion! Sorry about the BButton!

  10. Michelle says:

    I was so hoping this post would have pictures with it.

  11. Last time I wore a bikini I ended up with a burnt sternum. Of course, it wasn’t the most modest of two pieces. And of course I still have it and gaze at it longingly, hoping against hope, that I will someday fit in it again and that also, it will look good. Wait, I’m too jealous to talk to you right now. What am I doing commenting?!?

  12. You might as well get it pierced now, that’s the next obvious step in rebelling with your belly-button. Plus if you choose a ring style, it can really look like a target and be super awesome with a half-shirt. (The next mid-section rebellion phase)…

  13. Bikinis are soooooooo in the past for me. Because now, there is only one word that can be associated with myself and a two piece: YIKES. Well, that and maybe some barfing sounds. However, back in my stupid days (’cause I’m a genius now) I went tanning naked once. You know, in a tanning bed, not a beach. And man was that a stupid idea.

  14. Forget about the burned naval, WHOO HOO! that you can get into a bikini and feel good enough to go into public. The closest I ever got, as you know, is tanning in a bikini in my back yard, constantly looking around to make sure somebody hadn’t gone the 5 miles out of city limits, hiked up the private road hill, and had staked out in the 5 acres of trees surrounding our house to get a glimpse of my tummy…not that they would’ve thought it worth the effort! Have a great time in Florida, love you!

  15. You are in FLORIDA—LUCKY!!!!!!! sounds magical for sure. I am with Kristina in saying YOU ROCK THAT YOU CAN WEAR A BIKINI. I don’t show my belly button (it’s in there somewhere) so I’d just have to be careful to get all the sunscreen into the divits on upper thighs.
    have the most wonderful time you Pretty Woman you.

  16. I’m not saying you deserve it but…

  17. So… I just read this week’s article. Very interesting indeed. I don’t think we have that level of rules / strictness in our neck of the woods. I know LOTS of people who’s kids aren’t up to date and they’ve never gotten nagged as far as I know. Must be a Utah thing?