My little sis-in-law is getting married next week so we threw her a bachelorette party. Since I’m saving the meat of the story for the paper, I thought I’d treat you to photos instead. Enjoy!

These are most of her past, present, and future sisters, plus the moms.

We might have swung by Kristina's favorite naughty Mormon store on our way to the party...

I have no idea where this picture was taken. (These are our best naughty Mormon expressions.)

Hubba hubba.

I think I need to get myself one of these.

Final rounds of the "Speed" tournament. And the winner is...

The bride! Hayley whoops her new mom-in-law's trash and takes home the prize (Jake).

Yes, there was leg wrestling.

And toenail painting.
This wasn’t all, we played oldies but goodies–Taboo, Apples to Apples…less competitive games that you don’t have to think about. Notice how all the cameras conveniently disappeared when it came time to get into the hot tub? Funny how that works.
Either way, it was a rocking party with the best girls in the world. Congrats Hayley, love ya, babe. The rest of the story will come out in the paper later this month, so stay tuned.
I haven’t ever been to a cool bachelorette party. That looked like a good time. My sister in law threw mine and it was awkward and dull with stupid games, and not even a lingerie in sight (hello! popcorn popper though and other kitchen utensil….:( ). You’ve convinced me to rethrow my bachelorette party.
How fun! Looks like a ball.
So fun!! I need one of those “Easy” buttons. Or do the 4 kids say that for me???
Looks like tons of fun. Can’t believe I never thought of leg-wrestling at a bachelorette party. Next time…
My five-year-old saw the last pic and said, “Hey, they’re doing Circle Time like I do in gymnastics class.”
She is so adorable!
So much fun, you guys are my kind of party-ers! Exactly the kind of bachelorette party I would want to go to! 🙂
How fun! Sometimes I miss this stage in life. The one when I’m young enough to still have friends/siblings who are getting married, and who I can throw bachellorette parties for.
I thought you had to be at least 16 to get married in UT!!???? (alright, I’m sure it’s just my old lady perspective but she looks SO YOUNG!)
There need to be more mormon bachelorette parties. Really, really! It would be much less embarrassing than opening lingerie at the ward shower. . .
Looks like a lot of fun.
I really want one of those EASY buttons.
Looks like fun! I can’t wait for the story! 🙂
Besides the fact that I’m a guy and I only know you, I can’t believe I wasn’t invited.
The toenail painting looked inviting.
So this is what Heather meant when I called her early this week. I somehow thought it was a bridal shower. I called in the middle of this. This looks way funner then a bridal shower! How fun!!! Now that is my kind of party.
“Lets to the circus! my husband said excitedly. We took our 5 oldest, still young children at the time, to the circus (not cirque-whatever) And… you think we had a good time? “I have to go…” “I want to eat…..” “Why are we here?” “It’s hot….” Hot, as in thrashing whine. Annie this was our FHE. I will never forget it. I wish you could have seen my husband’s face. Still makes me laugh, now.
I love your party! The picture show so many good ideas like leg wrestling. I so want to do that!
I have 5 easy buttons and I hit them around the house and the barn all day. Bree put hers in the car in Arkansas so I sent her another for the house.
BTW the newer Easy buttons say, “Your house, your rules” “Of course you’re right” “Because you said so” and my all time favorite… “That was easy” lymi (love you, mean it) Hey, that would be a good “easy” saying.