Giving Away is Awesome

Quick! Fast! For all you procrastinators out there, Melissa who Really Can’t Get Enough of Herself is giving away a custom designed photo Christmas card. Winner chosen on Monday, so you’d better get your name in pronto. She’s kind of amazingly talented and hilarious all at the same time, check it out.

Okay, this next one is really cool.

Veronica, the World’s Most Amazing Camera Wielder, is giving away something wonderful on her blog. It’s not the typical type-your-name-and-win-something gig, this one is for somebody special. Maybe you know who that somebody is.

Check out her give-a-way right here.



  1. Thanks for putting that link up for Veronica, it really is a neat giveaway

  2. your link to Melissa’s blog isn’t working! (at least for me)

  3. I entered the card giveaway. My family would be glad to NOT be sending out the tacky snoopy cards this year.

    I also clicked over to the Veronica Vreeve giveaway – – – THAT IS FANTASTIC! I’d like to highlight it on MMB . . . Because that is really what the holidays should be about!

  4. Shawneen Liljenquist says:

    That picture is hilarious! I showed my husband and he died laughing. He’s really into this Tiger Woods mess right now.