Okay, you can have my boobs

My boobs are killing me, my incision is on fire (at the moment), I’m down about two quarts of blood, and I don’t know that I’ve ever been happier.

How is it that something so painful and difficult as having a new little baby can be so rewarding? I’m not kidding, she doesn’t even have to do anything but open her eyes a few times a day, smell like Johnson and Johnson’s, make enough diapers to chase the jaundice away, and I’m nothing but putty in her teensy little hands.

And you think I’ve got it bad, you should see her father. I actually heard him arguing with the June Bug this morning over who got to hold the baby.

Speaking of her sister, Junie has almost mastered the fine art of changing a newborn’s diaper. Like my sister-in-law said, too bad she can’t apply those skills to herself. It’s taking every ounce of patience I can muster right now fork over cash for a child the size of Arkansas. We’ll be buying her Depends in no time.

As far as my health goes, I kind of lost a lot of blood there that first day out (my hemoglobin is still not quite at a 7), and my doctor thinks it would be wiser for me to spend the next month drinking fluids, relaxing and rebuilding than to just give me a pint already. Cause we all know how much I like not being able to climb stairs without seeing stars. Plus, getting blood and getting better would mean that I’d miss so much TLC, and once you’re behind, there’s no catching back up.

Oh well, my man has three weeks off, so we’re in good shape. Now if I can just get my hands on an oxygen tank…


  1. The kinda work their way right into your heart, don’t they! Congratulations and just remember, “this too shall pass”. Enjoy your precious gift!

  2. Hope I get to see your boobs tomorrow.

  3. How exciting! A sweet little one. Take care of yourself!

  4. Oh, those new baby days. Take the doc’s advice, stay down, fill up, find the ‘bag balm’ for those boobs, and let the world manage without you for the time your husband’s off work. Because you’re right; when it’s over, it’s over.

  5. This is your last one and don’t rush it or worry about getting around to help out. Take care of yourself so you are only down 1 more month and not more! I know its frustrating, but look at me…Colton is already almost 11 months old, this year has flown by. I remember his first week when everyone was sick and swine flu was rampant and we all had to wear masks around him. I was so bummed I couldn’t snuggle and cuddle him, but I am so glad we were careful around him and we were over everything in a week and he stayed healthy! Do what you have to do and I am thinking of you. Love you.

  6. Bethany S. says:

    Earl Grey Tea for the boobs. Seriously. Try it. Dip the tea bag in water, wet down the sore area, let it air dry. Repeat as needed. Lanisoh doesn’t hold a candle to this stuff.

  7. More laying around?! If I didn’t know you well enough to know that you don’t deal all that well with just laying around I’d start to think you’re milking it. But as it is I guess I’ll believe that you’re the one being milked.

  8. thanks….but I am not sure I want your boobs right now.
    nothing like a new baby….that is just to precious for words….to make all the “hurt” go away.

    I remember when my daughter was born, my husband and 2 sons at the time always argued *just like you guys* regarding who got to get her out of the crib.

    pinch her cheeks for me ..softly of course

  9. Annie!! I’ve just spent the last few hours catching up on your blog. I miss you! I so wanted to come see you and Little Miss this weekend! I hope to be able to make it this week. I’m wo happy for you. I just love you tons and I can’t wait to snuggle that little angel! Congratulations my friend!!!

  10. Annie!! I’ve just spent the last few hours catching up on your blog. I miss you! I so wanted to come see you and Little Miss this weekend! I hope to be able to make it this week. I’m so happy for you. I just love you tons and I can’t wait to snuggle that little angel! Congratulations my friend!!!

  11. Ack! Glad you are okay and I hope you’ll take it as easy as you are supposed to. At least you’re in capable hands. Enjoy the new little one- there’s just nothing in the world like the feeling of the weight of those little bodies pressed against your own (hurting boobs or no).

  12. Hi Annie. I came across your blog via my cousin, Sherries. I can see why you wanted to write, you are fabulous at it. Anyway, I also lost a lot of blood when I had my baby. I went back into the ER two days after they released me from the hospital. They gave me meds and sent me home. At my 6 week check up I was still having blood gushes, they did an ultrasound, and found that I had retained placenta that attached to a blood vessel and started growing. Now, I know that is nothing compared to massive headaches. But, I wanted to let you know I sympathize with you and congratulations on the new baby!!